New Name!

The nations will see your righteousness. World leaders will be blinded by your glory. And you will be given a new name by the Lord ’s own mouth. Isaiah 62:2 NLT In this New Month, God will give you beauty for your ashes. He will turn your mourning to dancing. Your sorrows into joy. Your sadness into happiness. Peace will be given for your troubles. God will make your barren and desolate lands fertile. He will give you rivers in your dessert. He will pave a way for you where you feel stuck. No longer would you be addressed by your unfavourable circumstances, for God has given you new name(s). He calls you: Blessed! Prosperous! Glory Carrier! Light Of The World. A Wonder! Whole! Victorious! Strong! Powerful! Walk in the consciousness of your identity in God, and in the knowledge that He loves you fiercely and recklessly. Have A Splendid October. #FiercelyLoved ❣️