Entrusted Ability

To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and then he went on his journey. Matthew 25:15 AMP There is something in your hand. God gave you according to your own capacity. But instead of recognising that thing and nurturing it, we are sometimes so focused on what we can see with another person. We so much want what the person has nurtured and can now call their own. Basically, we (un)knowningly want another person's identity. God knows your capacity, and He has given you something to manage accordingly. Don't be so focused on what others are doing. Don't be trying to live someone else's life that you forget to find yourself. Find your talent, nurture it, and bloom where God has planted you. With God, you shall do exploits. #FiercelyLoved ❣️