Where Is Your Faith?

Then Jesus said to them, “Why are you fearful? Have you lost your faith in me ?” Shocked and shaken, they said with amazement to one another, “Who is this man who has authority over winds and waves that they obey him?” Luke 8:25 TPT The disciples were scared because of their surrounding, and for a moment, they lost faith in Jesus, and belived that He didn't care enough to save them, that He was going to leave them to perish. One of my favorites illustration is that of the "Footprints"; God is reminding you today that He loves you, and will never leave you. Not during your trials or testings, not during a pandemic, nothing whatsoever, would make Him leave you. He is carrying you safely in His hands, so do not panic nor worry. Do not be fearful, have faith in The One Who has the whole world in His Hands. Be Still, and know that God is in control. #FiercelyLoved❣ #StaySafe❣