Fix Yourself!!

Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye. Matthew 7:5 NLT We tend to see and focus only on our good parts. We are quick to see the faults in others, and slow to take to correction. In fact, we get so defensive and make excuses for our bad behaviour. We should not be ignorant of our bad conduct, Jesus said to not be so bothered about others when we have so much to fix ourselves(that we have chosen to ignore). Do not go around magnifying other people's fault when you need to magnify yours and correct it. Stop making excuses for your own behavior that you condemn mercilessly in others. Put yourself under the same magnifying glass you put others and fix yourself first, then you can actually help them be better. Allow God to deal with you first, let Him remould and renew you, and then you will know the scriptural way of helping others grow. #FiercelyLoved ❣️