Strength & Courage!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 AMP Having courage in the face of overwhelming challenges is not an easy feat, but knowing God is with you makes it easy. Knowing that God will come through on His own timetable strengthens you. Trust that God is always with you. He gives you your daily bread in time, not before, not after. Don't allow challenges get the best of you that you forget whose Child you are. When you feel you can't hold on, rest in His strength, stay courageous, and march on. There is nothing you cannot handle, not because you are a super-human, but because you can do all things through His strength; well, this makes you super afterall. No matter what impossibility you are faced with, God will give you strength to overcome it. Stay courageous! #FiercelyLoved ❣️