For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing.”
Jeremiah 31:25 NLT
It's okay to need rest from the hustle and bustle of life. It's okay to just want to take a break from everything: from work, from hanging out with friends, even from the church activities.
It doesn't mean you are lazy, or necessarily antisocial, nor does it mean you are a sinner.
It simply means you are in need of rest, and God is telling you to take some rest today.
Take a break from worrying too, everything will turn out fine. Don’t spend today so worried about tomorrow that you don't even get to enjoy the present.
Take that needed nap, enjoy your company, count all your blessings and intentionally free yourself from worry.
Your FATHER rested, and He is encouraging you to rest when you feel the need to. Don't wait till you break down physically, mentally, or emotionally, before taking the little rest you should have taken, because at that time, the "little" would probably not be enough.
#FiercelyLoved ❣️
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