Revelation of The Word


Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God].

Proverbs 29:18 AMP

When you do not accept divine guidance, you run aimlessly.

When you are not clear about your vision, and you do it all by yourself, you could wander astray. 

When you are not privy to all what God is doing, and you live in doubts of what He is capable of, you are stuck in limbo. 

But when you are sensitive to His leading, and you pay attention to His revelations, you live with immense peace, hope and happiness. 

Even when things don't look good, just because you are intuned to what God is doing, divine bliss fills you.

You are joyful even when you don't see result, because you know that result is on the way.

Why live life alone, and struggle through it; when you can follow the guidance of The ONE with the blueprint.

Live according to the revelation of God's Word.

#FiercelyLoved ❣️


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