Able & Stable God!

Jesus Christ is [eternally changeless, always] the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 AMP God is a steady rock, He remains unchanging. He is willing, able and stable. We gladly sing the hymn "Standing on the promises of God". But when a difficult situation becomes persistent, we start to waver, we start to doubt those promises. God never said there won't be storms, but He promised His Peace in the middle of the storm. One way to access that peace is to trust in the unchanging God. Know that God stays the same, know that His promises never return void. Know that He accomplishes that which He says. He is A "Talk and Do" God! Remember all the wonderful things He has done in time past, hold on to them and encourage yourself while you wait. Know that He will do much more for you because He promised your path will shine brighter. God is Able & Stable! Trust in that. #FiercelyLoved ❣️