Pursue God!


But as for you, O man of God, flee from these things; aim at and pursue righteousness [true goodness, moral conformity to the character of God], godliness [the fear of God], faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness.

1 Timothy 6:11 AMP

Paul admonished us to run from evil and to pursue righteousness. 

What does it mean to live a righteous life?

It means to live a life full of faith. A life so focused on God that you are always battle ready, a life where you don't let your (spiritual) guard down. It doesn't make you perfect and without sin, but you are so God-focused that you notice any crack before you wander off too far, because you listen to the warning of The Holy Spirit. 

It means to live a life so fearless that nothing rattles you. You are not shaken by anything the devil throws your way, you don't run helter-skelter as though you have no anchor. You so much trust in The Good Shepherd to lead, direct and protect you. You stand strong because you know you have the God of angels-armies by your side. 

It means to live a life so full of wonder that people marvel at your life results. They wonder how things are different for you.  They wonder how you arrive at your own result. They wonder how you hold your head high despite your circumstances and situations. They see the glory, but they can't account for it, hence, they wonder.

It means to live a life so full of love that you want others to enjoy what you have, so much that you are quick to show them The Way. You don't hide who your anchor is for fear of being mocked. You boldly proclaim who is responsible for your wonderful life. You show love to the unloved. You give to those who are in need (time, money, support, etc). Your love is evident in your generosity to others.

It means to live a life full of God's Grace and Mercy. After all said and done, you can do none of the above on your own, you enjoy Grace to do them. You will burn out and become frustrated if you tried to do all that in your power. But God in His infinite mercies grant you Grace in abundance to empower you to do all things.

Fiercely pursue God, and righteousness will become a norm.

#FiercelyLoved ❣️


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